Matt Alderton - Founder & CEO

Matt is an award-winning businessman and award-winning entrepreneur, a speaker, #1 best-selling author, and a business growth expert. Matt was named the 2015 Business Person of the Year & The 2016 Business Leader in the NSW Business Chamber Awards, as well as Australian Business Champion in 2016 AND 2017, and the Telstra Business Awards Emerging & Energised in 2018 & Telstra Small and Succeeding Award in 2019. Matt also contributes his time to judge the Australian Business Champion Awards and The Telstra Women in Business Awards.
Matt has owned more than a dozen multi-award-winning businesses across multiple industries, including retail, hospitality, technology, entertainment and professional development. Matt is the founder of Australia’s largest cloud-based rostering and payroll provider, IWS as well as founder and CEO of Australia’s fastest growing business community, Bx.
Matt is a busy man, on top of his business enterprises, Matt is also a husband to his wife Meg and a father of three kids, Bethany, Thomas and Georgia.
Matt’s passion is, and has always been, helping people achieve success through growth and development and he specialises in leadership. Matt has trained and mentored with internationally renowned author and speaker John C. Maxwell, and is a certified member of John Maxwell’s teaching team. Matt regularly meets with State and Federal Governments to communicate and discuss small business in Australia, including a private 30-minute meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the economy and most importantly small business. Matt works with and lobbies all levels of Government as a keen representative of small business in Australia. Matt regularly presents small business across the media.
Matt educates, trains and speaks on a number of his experiences in business and life, including some amazing successes and some monumental failures. Teaching you that no matter what life throws at you – both good and bad – your values, character and personal leadership will determine your success.
Matt is a man on a mission to help people achieve great success both in business and life.