Do You Want Your Clients To Start Passing You More Referrals, Without You Having To Ask Them?

Getting ‘Client Referrals’ is one of the best and most cost effective ways to grow your business, HOWEVER for most businesses they just don’t get the amount of client referrals they are looking for each month.

Just Imagine If Your Clients:

  • Spoke about you to their clients and networks each day
  • Introduce you to the right sorts of people
  • Promoted you across their networks
  • Promoted you across their social media platforms
  • Invited you to speak to their clients
  • Were a walking billboard for you and your business

Generate a tonne more business in the next 30 days...or less!

Getting referrals is hard at the best of times and a real slow way of growing your business, unless you have a plan and system to ensure you are getting new referrals every day. Just imagine having 10-15 referrals a month and what they could do for your business.

For most people they are told to do the following…

Go to your current clients and ask them to write down 2-3 names of people who they think could benefit from your product or service. Then give those people a call, introduce yourself and ‘hope’ that they become a new customer or client. WOW, that is tough going!

OR find a reward, an incentive and offer that to your clients and then they will start passing business to you. WRONG, they won’t!

There is a System and an Art Form to getting your clients to pass you referrals without even needing to ask them for it.

And finally you can use the system that we have been using for the past 8 years with huge success.

Just to fill you in, we generate 35+ qualified referrals a day. These referrals come from our referral partners, our clients and our networks. We would generate easily 5+ qualified referrals a day from our clients alone.

The problem is the agreement you have with your client / customer. It is not I’ll give you this product or service and you pay me and then you find me referrals.

Sure you will have a small % of people that will always be your walking billboards. But for the other 90%+ we need a system to turn them into walking billboards for us.

Initial xPerience

Our ‘Initial Experience’ with our new client.


Our ‘WOW’ process to ensure they become walking billboards.

Personal Engagement

Our ‘Personal Engagement’ and making them feel special.


Our ‘Hub’ and allowing them to get more from you.

This Is What The Client Referral Plan Is All About

The ‘Client Referral’ Plan is a simple to follow program that has a mixture of training video’s and all the scripts and templates you need to be successful. The client referral plan is set out on a single page where you follow the 4 steps to building your own client referral system.

Each Step contains a training video and then a link to book in your mentoring call where we go through that training and apply it to your business

So In The 'Client Referral' Plan You Get...

  • 4 x Individual Client Referral Training Video’s 
  • All scripts template and resources that you need 
  • Access to our Facebook and LinkedIn Business Network Group

What previous participants say…

The Client Referral Program is INCLUDED in your BxNetworking membership


Irma Smith, BxNetworking Member
"What an awesome presentation! I got so much out of it and Michael was just so good with h
Stephen Gregory, BxNetworking Member
"I am selective with my praise but what an awesome presentation. The best networking summa

Michael Griffiths

Michael Griffiths is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru and helps businesses to build more referrals into their business, use their networks more effectively and create partnerhips to fill heir sales funnels.

Michael speaks some 40+ times a year around the globe and is seen as the #1 authority in referral marketing training.

Get Access to The Client Referral Program